2025 Dental Plan
We offer comprehensive dental health care to support our employees and their dependents

For questions regarding the Cigna Dental PPO plan, please contact Cigna Member Services at 800-224-6224 or Cigna One Guide at 888-806-5094 prior to enrollment.
Cigna Dental PPO Plan
Pulmonx offers a dental PPO plan through Cigna. The Cigna Dental PPO plan is available to all eligible employees and their eligible dependents. The PPO plan gives you access to dental care with in-network and out of network providers.
Note: The dental benefits are bundled with vision and may not be elected separately.
Dental ID Cards
Physical ID cards will not be automatically mailed. You may access a digital copy or request a physical ID card by visiting the Cigna member portal at www.mycigna.com. Choose Register to create an account or login if you have an existing account.
Finding an in-network provider
To find an in-network provider prior to enrollment...
Visit the Cigna provider search tool and click here for step by step instructions or contact Cigna One Guide at 888-806-5094.
Note: The network name for Cigna dental is Total DPPO.
To find an in-network provider after enrollment...
Visit the Cigna member portal at www.mycigna.com. Choose Register to create an account or login if you have an existing account. You may also contact Cigna Member Services at 800-224-6224.
In-network versus out-of-network: To pay the least out-of-pocket always use in-network dentists. If you choose to visit an out-of-network provider, your out of pocket costs may be higher as Cigna will only pay up to their contract allowances which may be lower than your dentist’s actual fees. Out-of-network dentists may balance bill you the difference between the contracted allowance and their fee.

Cigna Dental PPO Plan Documents